FIBER LAB - Creative Resources

Artist or business man?

Italiano (Italian)

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Or how to promote your career as an artist, unraveling curriculum vitae, biographies, portfolios, letters of presentation and storytelling..

Any artist who wants to sell their art, must also act as a skilled businessman.

It is essential that they learn to make themselves known by efficiently a series of specific tools that will allow them to present themselves and their craft in a professional manner. And then it becomes important to have clear ideas on how to write a biography, a cover letter, a resume and how to put together a portfolio.

Let’s start from the beginning. The portfolio.

The portfolio is the business card that the artist presents projects when they comes in contact with the industry professional (art galleries, curators, collectors, etc.) In order to be useful and effective, and to generate interest and attention to their work. It must be of simple form and visually appealing. The portfolio can be paper or digital. In the digital format, all the material will be contained, for example, in a pen drive, or will be presented online on the website of their own, or will be presented online on the their own website, or placed on platforms such as Behance DeviantArt or to be created specifically for this purpose. The online portfolio is easy to read, update and share.

Man holding a creative business box

Guiding criteria for creating a successful portfolio.

– A key role is played by photographs of their work. You do not need to enter in the portfolio a lot of photos a dozen, maybe 15. It is though,mandatory that all artwork be photographed be done in excellent quality.
So, if you are not a good photographer, you should use a professional photographer.

– You should choose the most recent works and most representative of your style and creative vision. For each photo, it is advised to give directions regarding the title of the work, the year is was made and any other specifications.

– It is advisable to divide the photographs according to the theme or subject of the works or by the year in which it was made. Try to organize everything so that it is clear, simple and easy to review.

– It would be advantageous to consider who are the recipients of the presentation and place its contents in order to meet the demands of the subjects (for example, if it is aimed at collectors, it might be appropriate to include the prices of the items in the various photographed works)

– It would be advantageous to consider who are the recipients of the presentation and place its contents in order to meet the demands of the subjects (for example, if it is aimed at collectors, it might be appropriate to include the prices of the items in the various photographed works).

To do this, some artists decide to create different versions of their resume with specific content and giving greater or lesser emphasis to certain aspects rather than others, depending on the user (gallery, collector, shows, etc).

Important final notation: all the material and references that will be included should be constantly updated (website, resume, photographs). Updating is important because an outdated portfolio is of no interest and could be detrimental and preclude important offers of their work.

Maria Rosaria Roseo

English version Dopo una laurea in giurisprudenza e un’esperienza come coautrice di testi giuridici, ho scelto di dedicarmi all’attività di famiglia, che mi ha permesso di conciliare gli impegni lavorativi con quelli familiari di mamma. Nel 2013, per caso, ho conosciuto il quilting frequentando un corso. La passione per l’arte, soprattutto l’arte contemporanea, mi ha avvicinato sempre di più al settore dell’arte tessile che negli anni è diventata una vera e propria passione. Oggi dedico con entusiasmo parte del mio tempo al progetto di Emanuela D’Amico: ArteMorbida, grazie al quale, posso unire il piacere della scrittura al desiderio di contribuire, insieme a preziose collaborazioni, alla diffusione della conoscenza delle arti tessili e di raccontarne passato e presente attraverso gli occhi di alcuni dei più noti artisti tessili del panorama italiano e internazionale.