Carmen Romeo

Italiano (Italian)

Expert in weaving, tapestry, carpet, essayist, teacher and researcher – Tavagnacco (Udine)

Carmen Romeo

Since 1976 I have been dealing with research in the field of traditional textiles and teaching. I have published essays, participated and coordinated projects, art exhibitions and events nationally and internationally. From 1974 to 2011 I taught in the Italian primary and secondary school (middle and high school).

I am now Vice President of the University of Liberty of F. V. G. of UDINE where I teach in TIESSI courses. Tradition and Creativity-Weaving Workshop, I promote and take care of projects on textiles.

In addition, at the Laboratory of the Il Cavalîr Association – Ecomuseum of the people of the hills of Fagagna (Udine) I am a teacher of the Art of Weaving for the rediscovery of traditional textile art and curator of cultural projects related to textile culture.