Maria Chiara Wang

Italiano (Italian)

Maia Chiara Wang (Bologna, 1981)

A graduate in Modern Literature with a thesis on medieval cartography, I dedicate myself to contemporary art as a critic and independent curator. I mainly write for the magazines Arte Morbida, Espoarte and Exibart and collaborate with independent exhibition spaces, galleries and institutions in Italy and abroad. Among the most important projects are the texts written for the catalogues En la Herida Teresa Margolles | Kunsthalle Krems (2019), GE/19 Boiling Project | Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (2019) and Postumano Metmorfico | Pavilion of the Republic of San Marino – 59th Venice Biennale (2022). In 2023, I was selected to participate in the Gathering Spells programme (promoted by the international association BJCEM – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée and co-founded by the European Union), by the NTU – Center for Contemporary Art Singapore and Nanyang Technological University Singapore for the publication of a paper on art and climate change, by the PILOTENKUECHE / international art programme Leipzig (DE) and by the Fondazione di Sardegna in collaboration with the Nivola Museum in Orani to take part in CONTEMPORANEA 2023. In November 2023, I was admitted to the Ecological Art Practices research cluster at NICHE/Ca’Foscari (VE) and participated as a speaker at the Follow the Thread conference at Parsons The New School of Design in New York.