
TUNDRA – Florencia Martinez

Italiano (Italian)

Curated by: Cristina Gilda Artese e Andrea Lacarpia
Dates: December 15, 2020 – January 15, 2021
Opening: 15 December in the manner permitted by the ministerial decree in force
Location: Gilda Contemporary Art, via San Maurilio 14, Milan

Always interested in the complexity of social dynamics and the positive and saving role of the creative dimension, in the new project Florencia Martinez reflects on the possibility of recovering the emotional depth of language as an instrument of real union between people.

The exhibition combines two series of works created during the lockdown, entitled Tundra and Abbracci, in which the isolation due to the health emergency is reworked by the artist in a message of hope for the next return to a social and emotional life.

The Tundra installation stems from considerations on the standardization of language in the age of social networks to merge into a participatory art modality that aims to develop a creative approach to reality in people.

The care of oneself and of the other is the theme of the series entitled Hugs, composed of sculptures made with soft fabrics and seams that accentuate the tenderness of the subject.

Hugs not allowed by social distancing due to the health emergency, in Florencia Martinez’s sculptures become icons with a sacred connotation, accentuated by elongated shapes, in which spirituality is connected to the emotional dimension.

The hugs gathered in the installation form a forest whose vitality is linked to affection and care for others. The sense of community is an essential paradigm for the salvation of individuals, in an encounter with others that makes us more aware of our personal and collective identity.

Barbara Pavan

English version Sono nata a Monza nel 1969 ma cresciuta in provincia di Biella, terra di filati e tessuti. Mi sono occupata lungamente di arte contemporanea, dopo aver trasformato una passione in una professione. Ho curato mostre, progetti espositivi, manifestazioni culturali, cataloghi e blog tematici, collaborando con associazioni, gallerie, istituzioni pubbliche e private. Da qualche anno la mia attenzione è rivolta prevalentemente verso l’arte tessile e la fiber art, linguaggi contemporanei che assecondano un antico e mai sopito interesse per i tappeti ed i tessuti antichi. Su ARTEMORBIDA voglio raccontare la fiber art italiana, con interviste alle artiste ed agli artisti e recensioni degli eventi e delle mostre legate all’arte tessile sul territorio nazionale.