Tessuti d’Arte

Antonio del Canto y Teresa del Castillo: El bordado elevado a Arte

Italiano (Italian)

Through Sunday, March 3,2024, the Fondazione Cajasol in Seville is hosting the exhibition “Antonio del Canto and Teresa del Castillo: embroidery elevated to art,” the first monographic exhibition dedicated to this pair of artists whose work renewed the panorama of Seville’s gilded embroidery in the second half of the 19th century.

The exhibition, curated by CYRTA technicians and restorers Pablo Pérez and Pablo José Portillo, as well as restorer José Manuel García, is the result of research they have been working on since 2019, through which they have brought to light figures who, despite being a cornerstone of 19th-century Seville gilded embroidery, do not enjoy sufficient recognition.

Copyright Fundación Cajasol,

The reevaluation of draftsman Antonio del Canto and embroiderer Teresa del Castillo

This exhibition highlights and reevaluates the figures of Antonio del Canto and Teresa del Castillo, whose production is generally associated with the neo-Gothic ensemble of the Mystery of the Holy Burial in Seville, although their contributions were much richer and more varied. At the same time, the goal of this exhibition is to highlight the artistic value of pieces that, while having a very specific function, are in themselves first-rate works of textile art.

Antonio del Canto y Teresa del Castillo El bordado elevado a Arte, dettaglio.

Exceptional pieces from Seville, Cadiz and Huelva will be on display in Seville

The exhibition will trace the social context in which his art germinated, Del Canto’s influences in creating his innovative designs, and his wife’s contribution with her masterful work as an embroiderer in the second half of the 19th century. All of this will be supported by pieces from his workshop, located in several municipalities in the provinces of Seville, Cadiz and Huelva.

Antonio del Canto y Teresa del Castillo El bordado elevado a Arte.

More than 30 pieces, including embroideries and documents, will be on display in the Murillo Room of the Cajasol headquarters. Brotherhoods such as La Macarena or El Gran Poder, the Virgen de los Remedios de Villarrasa, the Archicofradía de los Milagros de El Puerto de Santa María or the Inmaculada de la Calle Real de Castilleja de la Cuesta, will be some of the brotherhoods represented along the museum tour.

Antonio del Canto y Teresa del Castillo El bordado elevado a Arte.
Antonio del Canto y Teresa del Castillo El bordado elevado a Arte,