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Italiano (Italian)

Mulyana, an Indonesian artist born and raised in Bandung, West Java, creates textile installations, crocheted and knitted marine worlds, works emblematic of global social and environmental concerns.

After completing his graduate degree in art education at the University Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung (2011), Mulyana moved to Yogyakarta in 2014 to investigate the possibility of community-based projects as an extension of his studio practice. One of the first groups of collaborators he encountered was a community of transgender women in Sorogenen village, in the Yogyakarta region. Together with this community, Mulyana produced multiple soft sculptures in his signature style, pathing the way towards the world stage where his works were finally presented to a global audience.

“Complete with spiraled tentacles, textured features, and toothy grins, the yarn-based creatures that Indonesian artist Mulyana knits and crochets take a playful, bizarre approach to ocean life. The artist frequently recreates what he refers to as the mogus, or octopus, as a mainstay in his underwater environments. Dotted with multiple sets of eyes, the creature has various iterations ranging in size, color, facial contortions, and number of tentacles. Each billowing mogus is presented suspended from the ceiling, giving it the appearance of floating through the ocean”. (Source:

“Big Mogus”,(2020), yarn and dacron, 96 1/2 × 18 7/8 × 22 1/8 inches. 


Photos has been taken from the artist’s website and are covered by copyright  

“Sea Remembers”, Mixed Media, Variable Dimensions, 2018, Front is piece commissioned by ARTJOG, sponsored by Yayasan Museum Macan, photo by Narotamaa, copyright Mulyana

“Sea Remembers – detail”, Mixed Media, Variable Dimensions, 2018, Front is piece commissioned by ARTJOG, sponsored by Yayasan Museum Macan, photo by Narotamaa, copyright Mulyana

“Anima Mundi”, Installation Central Embassy, Bangkok, Mixed Media, Variable Dimensions,  2019, copyrightMulyana

“Anima Mundi”, 2019, copyrightMulyana

Installation Orange County Museum of Art – California, 2019, copyright Mulyana

Installation, Hermès – Singapore, 2019, Copyright Mulyana

“Coral Dragon”, crocheted yarn, 270 x 900 cm, 2020, copyright Mulyana

Copyright Mulyana

Installation, Hermès – detail – Singapore, 2019, Copyright Mulyana

Maria Rosaria Roseo

English version Dopo una laurea in giurisprudenza e un’esperienza come coautrice di testi giuridici, ho scelto di dedicarmi all’attività di famiglia, che mi ha permesso di conciliare gli impegni lavorativi con quelli familiari di mamma. Nel 2013, per caso, ho conosciuto il quilting frequentando un corso. La passione per l’arte, soprattutto l’arte contemporanea, mi ha avvicinato sempre di più al settore dell’arte tessile che negli anni è diventata una vera e propria passione. Oggi dedico con entusiasmo parte del mio tempo al progetto di Emanuela D’Amico: ArteMorbida, grazie al quale, posso unire il piacere della scrittura al desiderio di contribuire, insieme a preziose collaborazioni, alla diffusione della conoscenza delle arti tessili e di raccontarne passato e presente attraverso gli occhi di alcuni dei più noti artisti tessili del panorama italiano e internazionale.