Textile Interferences

Constanza Arancibia

Italiano (Italian)

Constanza Arancibia, Chilean visual artist currently living in Mexico City, works with a variety of materials such as paper, lycra, latex, acrylic paint and creates works inspired by the organic and microscopic forms of the human body and nature, exploring the meaning and value of these elements invisible to the human eye on which the mystery and enigma of the very source of life is based.

“…. my work is oriented to the morphological construction of fabrics, cracks, textures, volumetric shapes, which are captured by means of different materials, which allow to generate a wide field of research and possibilities in space, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional”.

In the installation Cuerpos Organicos II, created for the spaces of a hospital, the three-dimensional structure is created through the “weaving” of many latex gloves, obviously born for other purposes, but capable, through the artist’s intervention, of life to a volumetric fabric that interacts with the space and with the spectators.

“Cuerpo Organico I”, installation, latex gloves, copyright Constanza Arancibia

“Cuerpos Organicos II”, 2010, installation, latex gloves, 20 m, copyright Constanza Arancibia

“Cuerpos Organicos II”, 2010, installation, latex gloves, 20 m, copyright Constanza Arancibia

In the same way, the Membranas Espaciales work, entirely built in Lycra, a textile medium which, thanks to its intrinsic characteristics of modeling and extensibility, is dynamically inserted into the space, transforming it into a palpable and habitable place.

“Membranas Espaciales”, 2008, installation, lycra, copyright Constanza Arancibia

Constanza Arancibia has a degree in Contemporary Art and Culture from the Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago de Chile, she also holds a degree in Education from the Gabriela Mistral University, Santiago de Chile and a postgraduate degree in Design from the ‘Universidad Mayor.

She was the winner of the first place in the APECH Young Artists Competition, Santiago de Chile in 2008, participated in several group exhibitions and was selected in competitions such as Arte Espacio Joven Galería Arte Espacio 2015, art fairs such as FAXXI, ARTSTGO, ARTWEEK STGO and in 2008 she held her first solo exhibition at the Santiago Nattino Hall.

In the years from 2008 to 2010 she worked as Assistant Professor in Project Workshop III and IV, Thesis Workshop. She has carried out museum projects at MHM and for three years she has conducted artistic workshops for students at social risk and with different skills in different educational institutions in Santiago de Chile


Hojas de Amaranto”, 2020, Natural paper, lycra, 64 x 47 cm, copyright Constanza Arancibia


Hojas de Amaranto II”, 2020, paper, lycra, 40×60 cm, copyright Constanza Arancibia

Maria Rosaria Roseo

English version Dopo una laurea in giurisprudenza e un’esperienza come coautrice di testi giuridici, ho scelto di dedicarmi all’attività di famiglia, che mi ha permesso di conciliare gli impegni lavorativi con quelli familiari di mamma. Nel 2013, per caso, ho conosciuto il quilting frequentando un corso. La passione per l’arte, soprattutto l’arte contemporanea, mi ha avvicinato sempre di più al settore dell’arte tessile che negli anni è diventata una vera e propria passione. Oggi dedico con entusiasmo parte del mio tempo al progetto di Emanuela D’Amico: ArteMorbida, grazie al quale, posso unire il piacere della scrittura al desiderio di contribuire, insieme a preziose collaborazioni, alla diffusione della conoscenza delle arti tessili e di raccontarne passato e presente attraverso gli occhi di alcuni dei più noti artisti tessili del panorama italiano e internazionale.